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Discover How To Explode Your Basic Bulk Gains And Achieve Maximum Results...

... with the Massive Muscle Growth Bundle!

What you will get when you ACT NOW:

Accelerator #1: X-sets

A “secret” technique done at the precise moment of your workouts that can trigger more muscle growth

Accelerator #2: Fast Food Calories Collection

We know it’s very difficult to track calories during bulk, and this is why I am giving you this compilation of fast food calories so you can do lean bulking more precisely.

Accelerator #3: More bulking meal plans

There’s only one set of done-for-you meal plan included in the main offer, and since alam kong mabilis ka maumay sa paulit ulit na meal plan, I’ve added two more sets on top of the original one – starting from 1800 calories to 3600 calories!

If you’re the type who gets bored easily eating the same foods every single day, this will stimulate the variety in your life and kill boredom.

Once you have these meal plans, you will never have to worry about what you’re going to eat again… for life.

  • 1800 calorie up to 3600 calorie meal plans
  • All high protein
  • No cooking or meal prepping required
  • All ingredients are easily bought from groceries, convenient stores, fast food restaurants, and even food stalls. You literally just buy and eat

Accelerator #4: 2-day Workout Playbook

If there are some instances when you can’t workout for 3 days per week but you still want to make progress and not lose gains, this 2-day Workout Playbook will be your savior.

Just do this routine for 2 days per week and you will be set (and even make faster progress than those who are inconsistent with their 3x per week plan).

I even use this most of the time since I’m a busy guy!

Accelerator #5: More Bulking Shakes

I’ve added 2 MORE bulking shake recipes to the original one – ranging from 500 calories to 1200 calories!

If you’re the type of person who has a small appetite, these bulking shakes will do the trick for you.

You won’t have to worry about never hitting your calories again.

  • 2 more easy-to-make bulking shakes
  • Easy-to-find and buy ingredients

Accelerator #6: My Personal and Favorite Bulking Meal Plan (No cooking Required)

You’ve seen me cut over and over again right? And you always thought I looked great afterwards? Come on, admit it. The reason is because I always do well on my bulking phase. Hence, the more muscles I keep when I cut.

This is the exact meal plan that I have been eating during my bulking period. And it always works! The best part is, I don’t even know how to cook or to prep meals! I just buy the food and eat them 2-3x a day and forget about it.

  • High protein – I can reach over 200g of protein eating these.
  • 2800 calories but can easily adjust to fit to 2000, 2500, or even 3000+ calories.

How much confidence would that bring to you if you know you’re eating the same meals as I am?

Accelerator #7: Printable Workout Tracker

A beautifully-designed printable workout tracker with the list of all exercises in Basic Bulk. You can print it and bring it with you so you can monitor your progress properly and make you even more accountable.

This, combined with the Printable Accountability Calendar will guarantee 100% compliance rate, making sure you will never miss a day of working out and eating your meals.

Bonus: Mini-Cut Guide

Finally, the complete guide to answering the question of:

How can I make the most of my bulking gains without worrying about getting too fat?

I could sell this guide as a stand-alone product, but I’m giving it to you for free if you purchase the Massive Muscle Growth Bundle.





If you’re really serious about achieving your fitness goals, then I guarantee you this is the best deal you’ll ever get this week.

For the next 16 weeks, you’ll know EXACTLY what to do. You won’t have to pay for an instructor or fitness coach.

Sure ako na mas mahal pa ang monthly membership fee mosa gym kesasa offer na ‘to.

What’s more:
You won’t have to do the reading, studying, and testing. Everything is already done for you.

And what you’ll get is almost 10 years worth of research, applying, and experimenting with different exercises and diet…

It only takes one small, simple decision today to change your life forever.

Don’t you think you owe it to yourself to work and eat smarter when you lift so you’ll results much much faster?

If you think so, then get the Massive Muscle Growth Bundle..

Remember this is a ONE-TIME OFFER

Like I said a while ago…

When you leave this page, there is no guarantee you’ll see this again. That’s why it’s NOW or NEVER...

Total Value ₱2999

Only ₱1,299 OR $26 Today